Thursday, January 4, 2007

How to Attain Your Heart's Desires

Have you discovered your heart's desires? Better yet, have you made any progress toward achieving them?

Now, I know that the mere mention of the phrase "heart's desires" may conjure up an interesting image or two -- like when a genie pops out of a magic lamp and grants you three wishes.

While it may work this way in the movies, I've found that this isn't the case in the "real world." Rather, it is up to each of us to be attuned to what we truly want in our lives... and to blaze our own trail to reach our fondest destinations.

While each person's path is unique, I'd like to share with you several principles that will help to guide you along this journey:

1. Be open to discovery. I don't think you find your heart's desires as much as they find you! We often get fooled into thinking we're identifying our heart's desires when, in fact, we're following what someone else thinks is best for us... or what our "logical mind" has figured out. This is NOT what I mean.

When you're positive and receptive, you'll find that you're "invited" to pursue a particular goal or to embark on a project. Then, it's up to you to accept the invitation and move forward, even if you're outside your comfort zone. For instance, I never set out to be a motivational speaker and writer. I just loved reading self-development books and listening to motivational tapes, and then I began to get the idea of pursuing this career.

So, be open and don't try to judge how or when your heart's desires will come calling. You'll find that the paths that beckon you are those that make use of your unique talents and your unique personality -- and often in a way that is of great service to others.

2. Expand your beliefs. Lots of people become frustrated when things don't work out the way they want. The problem is often a limited belief system. For example, many people complain about not making enough money or not attracting the right relationships. Yet, these same people keep saying (and believing) such things as "I never have enough money at the end of the month" or "All men are afraid of commitment."

Your belief system (and your self-talk) must support what you wish to achieve. So, make sure your dominant thoughts are focused on what you want -- as opposed to what you don't want.

3. Go on a steady diet of positive emotions and feelings. You accelerate your success and achieve your heart's desires when you not only think positive... but also have positive feelings. I'm talking about strong positive feelings -- the kind that make you tingle all over. This is the way you feel when you see a young child smile, or watch a beautiful sunset.

Some of the most powerful positive feelings are love, gratitude and forgiveness. When you access those feelings consistently, you become a magnet for wonderful things to come into your life.

The tricky part is to feel these feelings throughout each day! I highly recommend the book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. You'll get some valuable insights and techniques on the power of feelings.

4. Let go of negative emotions. Just as positive feelings help attract your heart's desires, negative emotions block you from achieving greatness. The typical emotions in this category are anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and judgment.

I wish I could tell you that I've conquered these negative emotions. But I haven't. What I have realized is that these emotions do not serve me in any way.

Trust your body. How do you feel when you're angry or critical? You feel lousy and stressed out. You become a magnet for problems and illness. Note: I'm not suggesting that you deny your feelings. It's simply a matter of not dwelling on them for a prolonged period of time.

Instead of getting bogged down in one of the negative emotions, choose one of the positive feelings discussed above and switch to a more productive frame of mind.

5. Be flexible because your heart's desires will change. You may think you know what you'll want a few years from now, but don't bet on it! A year from now, or even next week, you may get the urge to move in a completely new direction.

Your interests will change. Your values will change. Your priorities will change. This is a good sign and shows you're growing and open to new avenues in your life.

Each year, I seem to get a new project that excites me and draws my interest. I've learned not to question it. I just do it, and things always work out for the best!

6. Follow the passion -- not the money. Don't get me wrong. Money is important, and I like material comforts as much as the next person. However, when money is the primary force that drives you, you're unlikely to connect with your heart's desires and achieve fulfillment.

Interestingly, you're also unlikely to accumulate much money. However, when you pursue a career or hobby that excites you, you're on the road to discovering your heart's desires and to living a satisfying life. In time, that's also the path most likely to bring you the material rewards you want.

7. Get in "the flow." You attract people and opportunities into your life as a result of your consciousness. At the beginning of our journey, we tend to think that we have to grit our teeth and fight to achieve our heart's desires.

Yet, when we're in the flow of life, we manifest what we want much more easily -- like guiding a canoe along with the current. Being in the flow is not the same as being passive and sitting back, however. You still put forth effort, but you find that when you're positive and pursuing your "correct" path, things fall in place.

You meet people who can help you move forward. Sure, you encounter obstacles, but you know you'll overcome them. It's just a matter of time. If you're tense and struggling, you're probably "off course" and need to make some adjustments.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that this article is about spiritual and emotional fulfillment only; the principles here will bring you material success as well. My main goal is to get you to think about how these principles are operating in your life -- and whether you could make some changes to lead an even more successful, satisfying life.

One final point: the actual act of achieving your heart's desire is not always as exhilarating as you had anticipated. The real joy comes from the everyday actions you take -- and what you learn and become along the way. It's a journey of growth and satisfaction that you don't want to miss!

How to Attain Your Heart's Desires

Have you discovered your heart's desires? Better yet, have you made any progress toward achieving them?

Now, I know that the mere mention of the phrase "heart's desires" may conjure up an interesting image or two -- like when a genie pops out of a magic lamp and grants you three wishes.

While it may work this way in the movies, I've found that this isn't the case in the "real world." Rather, it is up to each of us to be attuned to what we truly want in our lives... and to blaze our own trail to reach our fondest destinations.

While each person's path is unique, I'd like to share with you several principles that will help to guide you along this journey:

1. Be open to discovery. I don't think you find your heart's desires as much as they find you! We often get fooled into thinking we're identifying our heart's desires when, in fact, we're following what someone else thinks is best for us... or what our "logical mind" has figured out. This is NOT what I mean.

When you're positive and receptive, you'll find that you're "invited" to pursue a particular goal or to embark on a project. Then, it's up to you to accept the invitation and move forward, even if you're outside your comfort zone. For instance, I never set out to be a motivational speaker and writer. I just loved reading self-development books and listening to motivational tapes, and then I began to get the idea of pursuing this career.

So, be open and don't try to judge how or when your heart's desires will come calling. You'll find that the paths that beckon you are those that make use of your unique talents and your unique personality -- and often in a way that is of great service to others.

2. Expand your beliefs. Lots of people become frustrated when things don't work out the way they want. The problem is often a limited belief system. For example, many people complain about not making enough money or not attracting the right relationships. Yet, these same people keep saying (and believing) such things as "I never have enough money at the end of the month" or "All men are afraid of commitment."

Your belief system (and your self-talk) must support what you wish to achieve. So, make sure your dominant thoughts are focused on what you want -- as opposed to what you don't want.

3. Go on a steady diet of positive emotions and feelings. You accelerate your success and achieve your heart's desires when you not only think positive... but also have positive feelings. I'm talking about strong positive feelings -- the kind that make you tingle all over. This is the way you feel when you see a young child smile, or watch a beautiful sunset.

Some of the most powerful positive feelings are love, gratitude and forgiveness. When you access those feelings consistently, you become a magnet for wonderful things to come into your life.

The tricky part is to feel these feelings throughout each day! I highly recommend the book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. You'll get some valuable insights and techniques on the power of feelings.

4. Let go of negative emotions. Just as positive feelings help attract your heart's desires, negative emotions block you from achieving greatness. The typical emotions in this category are anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and judgment.

I wish I could tell you that I've conquered these negative emotions. But I haven't. What I have realized is that these emotions do not serve me in any way.

Trust your body. How do you feel when you're angry or critical? You feel lousy and stressed out. You become a magnet for problems and illness. Note: I'm not suggesting that you deny your feelings. It's simply a matter of not dwelling on them for a prolonged period of time.

Instead of getting bogged down in one of the negative emotions, choose one of the positive feelings discussed above and switch to a more productive frame of mind.

5. Be flexible because your heart's desires will change. You may think you know what you'll want a few years from now, but don't bet on it! A year from now, or even next week, you may get the urge to move in a completely new direction.

Your interests will change. Your values will change. Your priorities will change. This is a good sign and shows you're growing and open to new avenues in your life.

Each year, I seem to get a new project that excites me and draws my interest. I've learned not to question it. I just do it, and things always work out for the best!

6. Follow the passion -- not the money. Don't get me wrong. Money is important, and I like material comforts as much as the next person. However, when money is the primary force that drives you, you're unlikely to connect with your heart's desires and achieve fulfillment.

Interestingly, you're also unlikely to accumulate much money. However, when you pursue a career or hobby that excites you, you're on the road to discovering your heart's desires and to living a satisfying life. In time, that's also the path most likely to bring you the material rewards you want.

7. Get in "the flow." You attract people and opportunities into your life as a result of your consciousness. At the beginning of our journey, we tend to think that we have to grit our teeth and fight to achieve our heart's desires.

Yet, when we're in the flow of life, we manifest what we want much more easily -- like guiding a canoe along with the current. Being in the flow is not the same as being passive and sitting back, however. You still put forth effort, but you find that when you're positive and pursuing your "correct" path, things fall in place.

You meet people who can help you move forward. Sure, you encounter obstacles, but you know you'll overcome them. It's just a matter of time. If you're tense and struggling, you're probably "off course" and need to make some adjustments.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that this article is about spiritual and emotional fulfillment only; the principles here will bring you material success as well. My main goal is to get you to think about how these principles are operating in your life -- and whether you could make some changes to lead an even more successful, satisfying life.

One final point: the actual act of achieving your heart's desire is not always as exhilarating as you had anticipated. The real joy comes from the everyday actions you take -- and what you learn and become along the way. It's a journey of growth and satisfaction that you don't want to miss!

How to Attain Your Heart's Desires

Have you discovered your heart's desires? Better yet, have you made any progress toward achieving them?

Now, I know that the mere mention of the phrase "heart's desires" may conjure up an interesting image or two -- like when a genie pops out of a magic lamp and grants you three wishes.

While it may work this way in the movies, I've found that this isn't the case in the "real world." Rather, it is up to each of us to be attuned to what we truly want in our lives... and to blaze our own trail to reach our fondest destinations.

While each person's path is unique, I'd like to share with you several principles that will help to guide you along this journey:

1. Be open to discovery. I don't think you find your heart's desires as much as they find you! We often get fooled into thinking we're identifying our heart's desires when, in fact, we're following what someone else thinks is best for us... or what our "logical mind" has figured out. This is NOT what I mean.

When you're positive and receptive, you'll find that you're "invited" to pursue a particular goal or to embark on a project. Then, it's up to you to accept the invitation and move forward, even if you're outside your comfort zone. For instance, I never set out to be a motivational speaker and writer. I just loved reading self-development books and listening to motivational tapes, and then I began to get the idea of pursuing this career.

So, be open and don't try to judge how or when your heart's desires will come calling. You'll find that the paths that beckon you are those that make use of your unique talents and your unique personality -- and often in a way that is of great service to others.

2. Expand your beliefs. Lots of people become frustrated when things don't work out the way they want. The problem is often a limited belief system. For example, many people complain about not making enough money or not attracting the right relationships. Yet, these same people keep saying (and believing) such things as "I never have enough money at the end of the month" or "All men are afraid of commitment."

Your belief system (and your self-talk) must support what you wish to achieve. So, make sure your dominant thoughts are focused on what you want -- as opposed to what you don't want.

3. Go on a steady diet of positive emotions and feelings. You accelerate your success and achieve your heart's desires when you not only think positive... but also have positive feelings. I'm talking about strong positive feelings -- the kind that make you tingle all over. This is the way you feel when you see a young child smile, or watch a beautiful sunset.

Some of the most powerful positive feelings are love, gratitude and forgiveness. When you access those feelings consistently, you become a magnet for wonderful things to come into your life.

The tricky part is to feel these feelings throughout each day! I highly recommend the book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. You'll get some valuable insights and techniques on the power of feelings.

4. Let go of negative emotions. Just as positive feelings help attract your heart's desires, negative emotions block you from achieving greatness. The typical emotions in this category are anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and judgment.

I wish I could tell you that I've conquered these negative emotions. But I haven't. What I have realized is that these emotions do not serve me in any way.

Trust your body. How do you feel when you're angry or critical? You feel lousy and stressed out. You become a magnet for problems and illness. Note: I'm not suggesting that you deny your feelings. It's simply a matter of not dwelling on them for a prolonged period of time.

Instead of getting bogged down in one of the negative emotions, choose one of the positive feelings discussed above and switch to a more productive frame of mind.

5. Be flexible because your heart's desires will change. You may think you know what you'll want a few years from now, but don't bet on it! A year from now, or even next week, you may get the urge to move in a completely new direction.

Your interests will change. Your values will change. Your priorities will change. This is a good sign and shows you're growing and open to new avenues in your life.

Each year, I seem to get a new project that excites me and draws my interest. I've learned not to question it. I just do it, and things always work out for the best!

6. Follow the passion -- not the money. Don't get me wrong. Money is important, and I like material comforts as much as the next person. However, when money is the primary force that drives you, you're unlikely to connect with your heart's desires and achieve fulfillment.

Interestingly, you're also unlikely to accumulate much money. However, when you pursue a career or hobby that excites you, you're on the road to discovering your heart's desires and to living a satisfying life. In time, that's also the path most likely to bring you the material rewards you want.

7. Get in "the flow." You attract people and opportunities into your life as a result of your consciousness. At the beginning of our journey, we tend to think that we have to grit our teeth and fight to achieve our heart's desires.

Yet, when we're in the flow of life, we manifest what we want much more easily -- like guiding a canoe along with the current. Being in the flow is not the same as being passive and sitting back, however. You still put forth effort, but you find that when you're positive and pursuing your "correct" path, things fall in place.

You meet people who can help you move forward. Sure, you encounter obstacles, but you know you'll overcome them. It's just a matter of time. If you're tense and struggling, you're probably "off course" and need to make some adjustments.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that this article is about spiritual and emotional fulfillment only; the principles here will bring you material success as well. My main goal is to get you to think about how these principles are operating in your life -- and whether you could make some changes to lead an even more successful, satisfying life.

One final point: the actual act of achieving your heart's desire is not always as exhilarating as you had anticipated. The real joy comes from the everyday actions you take -- and what you learn and become along the way. It's a journey of growth and satisfaction that you don't want to miss!

The Four Steps To A Super Attitude

Decide How To React

It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind.

Here are four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very best it can be, under all circumstances.

Focus On The Future

First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do.

Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.

Think About The Solution

Second, whenever you're faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem.

Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become a positive and constructive human being.

Look For The Good

Third, assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive thinking, once said, "Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem." The bigger the gift you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive. But the wonderful thing is that if you look for the gift, you will always find it.

Seek The Valuable Lesson

Fourth, assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. This situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better, to help you expand and grow.

Decide To Be Positive

A Positive Mental Attitude is indispensable to your success. You can be as positive as you want to be if you will simply think about the future, focus on the solution and look for the good.

If you do what other successful people do, if you use your mind to exert mental control over the situation, you will be positive and cheerful most of the time. And you will reap the benefits enjoyed by all successful people.

Action Exercises

Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions to your problems.

Second, seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Make a list of every idea or insight you can gain from every setback or difficulty.

Third, think on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of the problem, and then take the most logical next step to solve it.
Brian Tracy is one of the world's leading authorities on personal and business success. His fast-moving talks and seminars are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately to get better results in every area. Drop by Brian's website and take advantage of his free audio program offer.

The Brilliant You, Unreleased!

You're a remarkable person. But, you knew that already. Still, buried among apathy, unbelief and inhibition, is the brilliant "you" waiting to be released. You already knew that, too. A few disappointments here, several temporary defeats there, and POOF! just like that, you settled for being a risk-conscious, opportunity-self-denied, generality. Nobody makes any progress by standing still.

You're not an exception; and you're not alone. In fact, you have plenty of company. But, why settle for a life that looks like just about everyone else's? Do something magnificent with your God-given gifts and boldly distinguish yourself from the masses. Decide-on this day-to connect with your brilliance, within.

Paramount in your quest for brilliance is the personal development and daily utilization of your talents and abilities. As a matter of fact, it's required. It's not necessary to be perfect. Striving for excellence in everything you do is enough to release your brilliance.

Trust me. You were not born to be "mild." So cut it out! There's an entire universe out there starving for your gifts. How long will you continue to wait to take those last four classes needed for your degree? What career have you just been "wishing it were so" about? If all you can see is yourself remaining 16 units short of your degree, how can you possibly prepare for an exciting future? If you can't believe for a meaningful vocation now, will you have the passion to believe for one later?

Challenge yourself. Commit to do just two things this hour that will untap your brilliance. Revamp your resume; make a phone call to your advisor. Even a modest amount of brilliance unreleased, would relay the message to your brain: "Wow, she's serious!"

Ignite your passion. Inhale, then excel. Stand and deliver! See, then be!

Your life matters. Visualize your brilliance totally unreleased. Then boldly, step into the vision.

The Most Important Dimension of Human Existence

We’re here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought.

This teaching isn’t based on knowledge, on new interesting facts, new information. The world is full of that already. You can push any button on the many devices you have and get information. You’re drowning in information.

And ultimately, what is the point of it all? More information, more things, more of this, more of that. Are we going to find the fullness of life through more things and greater and bigger shopping malls?

Are we going to find ourselves through improving our ability to think and analyze, and accumulate more information, more stuff? Is “more” going to save the world? It’s all form.

You can never make it on the level of form. You can never quite arrange and accumulate all the forms that you think you need so that you can be yourself fully.

Sometimes you can do it for a brief time span. You can suddenly find everything working in your life: your health is good; your relationship is great; you have money, possessions, love, and respect from other people.

But before long, something starts to crumble here or there, either the finances or the relationship, your health or your work or living situation. It is the nature of the world of form that nothing stays fixed for very long — and so it starts to fall apart again.

The voice in the head that never stops speaking becomes a civilization that is obsessed with form, and therefore knows nothing of the most important dimension of human existence:
the sacred,
the stillness,
the formless,
the divine.
“What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose yourself?”

It has been said that there are two ways of being unhappy: not getting what you want, and getting what you want.

When people attain what the world tells us is desirable — wealth, recognition, property, achievement — they’re still not happy, at least not for long. They’re not at peace with themselves. They don’t have a true sense of security, a sense of finally having arrived.

Their achievements have not provided them with what they were really looking for — themselves. They have not given them the sense of being rooted in life, or as Jesus calls it, the fullness of life.

The form of this moment is the portal into the formless dimension. It is the narrow gate that Jesus talks about that leads to life. Yes, it’s very narrow: it’s only this moment.

To find it, you need to roll up the scroll of your life on which your story is written, past and future. Before there were books, there were scrolls, and you rolled them up when you were done with them.

So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won’t, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it.

You don’t solve problems by thinking; you create problems by thinking. The solution always appears when you step out of thinking and become still and absolutely present, even if only for a moment. Then, a little later when thought comes back, you suddenly have a creative insight that wasn’t there before.

Let go of excessive thinking and see how everything changes. Your relationships change because you don’t demand that the other person should do something for you to enhance your sense of self. You don’t compare yourself to others or try to be more than someone else to strengthen your sense of identity.

You allow everyone to be as they are. You don’t need to change them; you don’t need them to behave differently so that you can be happy.

There’s nothing wrong with doing new things, pursuing activities, exploring new countries, meeting new people, acquiring knowledge and expertise, developing your physical or mental abilities, and creating whatever you’re called upon to create in this world.

It is beautiful to create in this world, and there is always more that you can do.

Now the question is, Are you looking for yourself in what you do? Are you attempting to add more to who you think you are? Are you compulsively striving toward the next moment and the next and the next, hoping to find some sense of completion and fulfillment?

The preciousness of Being is your true specialness. What the egoic self had been looking for on the level of the story — I want to be special — obscured the fact that you could not be more special than you already are now. Not special because you are better or more wretched than someone else, but because you can sense a beauty, a preciousness, an aliveness deep within.

When you are present in this moment, you break the continuity of your story, of past and future. Then true intelligence arises, and also love. The only way love can come into your life is not through form, but through that inner spaciousness that is Presence. Love has no form.

Tie Up Loose Ends or Find Yourself in Knots

The final step toward putting your past behind so you can reach for what's possible is tying up your loose ends. Loose ends are the unresolved relationships that keep you from sleeping worry free at night.

Skeletons are hard to keep buried because they always have a bone to pick.

You have a loose end, if there's someone you don't want to see at the grocery store or movie theater. You have a loose end, if there's someone you don't want to run into on a first date or at work. You have a loose end, if there's someone you don't want to sit next to at a holiday dinner. Loose ends are distracting and have an amazing way of biting you in the butt at the worst times.

When loose ends are lurking in the back of your mind, they take your focus off doing what it takes to succeed. Loose ends bring you back to a place where you don't want or need to go. Loose ends must be tied up so they cannot run free to steal your confidence and concentration. Tying up loose ends allows you to totally focus on doing what you need to do to get where you want to go.

For example, if you borrowed money from someone and never paid her back, you have to always worry about running into her at the wrong time, like when you're already late for a date or out shopping with your mom. Instead of facing these embarrassing scenarios, have the courage to call your lender up and agree to repay her a little bit every week until you are square. You'll be amazed how a little effort on your part can salvage broken relationships and let you walk once again with your head held high.

How to Tie Up Your Loose Ends

1. Identify the five people with whom you have the most unresolved issues. These could be past relationships, employers, business partners, friends, family, or co-workers. These are people you avoid talking with and running into.

2. Contact each of these five loose ends. Invite each separately to a coffee shop or some other nonthreatening, nonalcohol environment. Tell each one that you want to apologize for allowing things to get crossways between you. Even if she was the one who hurt you, tell her you want to move on. Some may doubt your intentions, but tell them that you sincerely feel its time to clear the air. Ask those who agree to meet to write down any ways they think you wronged them, and you do the same. Tell them to bring this list to your get-together.

3. Show up on time and thank each for being forgiving enough to meet with you. Tell each person that you want to apologize for whatever you did that hurt him (even if you don't completely agree with his view of the situation). Be an adult here; finger pointing only tears people apart. Remember, your experience may be -- and most likely is -- totally different from his. Listen to each issue each of them raise and try to see it from their perspectives. Don't interrupt them when they are sharing. Seek to understand why they harbor bad feelings toward you. Apologize for each thing they think you did to wrong them. If you're nervous about apologizing, go ahead and practice in a mirror before each meeting.

4. At the end of the conversation, thank each once again for talking with you. It was a big show of faith in your character. Plus, she's helping you to move toward your dreams by tying up loose ends in your past. The next day, send her a handwritten card thanking her for reconnecting. You can then decide whether or not to stay in touch.

After you tie up your first loose end, you'll want to resolve them all. This is hard to explain until you have done it; but once you do, you'll know what I mean. I learned so much about myself by tying up my loose ends. Most of all, I think this process helped me become a more understanding and patient friend.

How to finally turn 2007 Resolutions into New Year's Results

Are you ready to learn how to finally turn your 2007 New Year's resolutions into New Year's results? The key word here is "new", because you want to create new results. You must analyze your old year that has passed and your future, which means do not think "re-run/replay" instead think about forging forward into the New Year.

In order to create "New Year" results, you must decide to Analyze, Develop and Implement new action steps.

Major - 2007 Decision...

Invest about 60 minutes of uninterrupted time analyzing the last 12 months of your life. Examine exactly what you did over the last 365 days to create the results that you have now.

Don't worry about these results and don't complain about them either.

Simply analyze them and understand that you are exactly where you are today because of your actions over the past year.

That's right, your actions created your results in 2006. Your actions turned into personal decisions that produced the results that you are experiencing.

Now, are you satisfied with your results in 2006?

If not, then how do you turn your New Year's resolutions into results?

You must implement *NEW* action steps. (notice the word - MUST!)

2007 Revelation...

New actions steps will create new decisions that will finally turn resolutions into New Results! (re-read 10 times-it is worth millions to you). Analyze what you did every day to develop these new action steps. Look at your business. How large is your business? Have you attended enough seminars? Have you invested enough money into personal self development? Have you taken advantage of all that's available for you to produce the results that you desire?

If you are not happy with your results from 2006, then just imagine where you will be at the end of 2007 if you continue to take the same actions and make the same decisions. It doesn't matter what kind of resolutions you make if you don't develop NEW daily action steps.

Will you accept the 2007 Challenge?

I challenge you to forget about those New Year's Resolutions; instead, analyze last year's results then develop and implement New Daily Actions that will lead to New Decisions and produce New Results for your New Year!

John Di Lemme

7 Characteristics of Leaders

There are seven (7) primary characteristics of leaders and successful people that are worthy of mention as we close this part of the material and these personal qualities can be found in almost every successful person...

1. DEFINITE PURPOSE -Successful people know exactly what they want and constantly strive to get it. They have a definite purpose or chief aim in life and focus their personal time producing the results.

2. GOAL SETTERS- Successful people are constantly setting reasonable goals and take action to accomplish those goals. This may cause them to sacrifice for the short-term but that is O.K. because they will accomplish their goal and their life will be better for it.

3. ORGANIZED PLANNERS-Successful people are organized. They plan, readjust their plans and constantly think of more efficient ways to get things done. They plan each and every step to getting their goals. They make short term plans, medium term plans and long term plans and follow up until the job gets done.

4. DECISION MAKERS-Successful people make decisions and stick by them. They make their decisions quickly and change them slowly if at all. They tend to make their decisions based on the "facts" and not "guesses".

5. DISCIPLINED-Successf! ul People are disciplined. They apply themselves to the tasks required of their goals and plans backing those goals until they get the job done. They work long hours without complaint because they know that intelligently applied time will help them secure the object of their desire.

6. PERSISTENT-Successful people are persistent. They simply do not quit when the going gets tough. They realize that WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN. They stick by their decisions, constantly applying effort toward reaching their goals and, if they fail, they realize that failure is only temporary unless a person has decided to quit permanently. There is no such thing as permanent failure. The only failure that is permanent is that which a person accepts as permanent.

7. GREAT ATTITUDES-Successful people have positive attitudes and they are honest in all their business dealing. They spend their time on worthy goals and doing good things where they work or in the communities they serve.