Thursday, January 4, 2007

How to Attain Your Heart's Desires

Have you discovered your heart's desires? Better yet, have you made any progress toward achieving them?

Now, I know that the mere mention of the phrase "heart's desires" may conjure up an interesting image or two -- like when a genie pops out of a magic lamp and grants you three wishes.

While it may work this way in the movies, I've found that this isn't the case in the "real world." Rather, it is up to each of us to be attuned to what we truly want in our lives... and to blaze our own trail to reach our fondest destinations.

While each person's path is unique, I'd like to share with you several principles that will help to guide you along this journey:

1. Be open to discovery. I don't think you find your heart's desires as much as they find you! We often get fooled into thinking we're identifying our heart's desires when, in fact, we're following what someone else thinks is best for us... or what our "logical mind" has figured out. This is NOT what I mean.

When you're positive and receptive, you'll find that you're "invited" to pursue a particular goal or to embark on a project. Then, it's up to you to accept the invitation and move forward, even if you're outside your comfort zone. For instance, I never set out to be a motivational speaker and writer. I just loved reading self-development books and listening to motivational tapes, and then I began to get the idea of pursuing this career.

So, be open and don't try to judge how or when your heart's desires will come calling. You'll find that the paths that beckon you are those that make use of your unique talents and your unique personality -- and often in a way that is of great service to others.

2. Expand your beliefs. Lots of people become frustrated when things don't work out the way they want. The problem is often a limited belief system. For example, many people complain about not making enough money or not attracting the right relationships. Yet, these same people keep saying (and believing) such things as "I never have enough money at the end of the month" or "All men are afraid of commitment."

Your belief system (and your self-talk) must support what you wish to achieve. So, make sure your dominant thoughts are focused on what you want -- as opposed to what you don't want.

3. Go on a steady diet of positive emotions and feelings. You accelerate your success and achieve your heart's desires when you not only think positive... but also have positive feelings. I'm talking about strong positive feelings -- the kind that make you tingle all over. This is the way you feel when you see a young child smile, or watch a beautiful sunset.

Some of the most powerful positive feelings are love, gratitude and forgiveness. When you access those feelings consistently, you become a magnet for wonderful things to come into your life.

The tricky part is to feel these feelings throughout each day! I highly recommend the book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. You'll get some valuable insights and techniques on the power of feelings.

4. Let go of negative emotions. Just as positive feelings help attract your heart's desires, negative emotions block you from achieving greatness. The typical emotions in this category are anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and judgment.

I wish I could tell you that I've conquered these negative emotions. But I haven't. What I have realized is that these emotions do not serve me in any way.

Trust your body. How do you feel when you're angry or critical? You feel lousy and stressed out. You become a magnet for problems and illness. Note: I'm not suggesting that you deny your feelings. It's simply a matter of not dwelling on them for a prolonged period of time.

Instead of getting bogged down in one of the negative emotions, choose one of the positive feelings discussed above and switch to a more productive frame of mind.

5. Be flexible because your heart's desires will change. You may think you know what you'll want a few years from now, but don't bet on it! A year from now, or even next week, you may get the urge to move in a completely new direction.

Your interests will change. Your values will change. Your priorities will change. This is a good sign and shows you're growing and open to new avenues in your life.

Each year, I seem to get a new project that excites me and draws my interest. I've learned not to question it. I just do it, and things always work out for the best!

6. Follow the passion -- not the money. Don't get me wrong. Money is important, and I like material comforts as much as the next person. However, when money is the primary force that drives you, you're unlikely to connect with your heart's desires and achieve fulfillment.

Interestingly, you're also unlikely to accumulate much money. However, when you pursue a career or hobby that excites you, you're on the road to discovering your heart's desires and to living a satisfying life. In time, that's also the path most likely to bring you the material rewards you want.

7. Get in "the flow." You attract people and opportunities into your life as a result of your consciousness. At the beginning of our journey, we tend to think that we have to grit our teeth and fight to achieve our heart's desires.

Yet, when we're in the flow of life, we manifest what we want much more easily -- like guiding a canoe along with the current. Being in the flow is not the same as being passive and sitting back, however. You still put forth effort, but you find that when you're positive and pursuing your "correct" path, things fall in place.

You meet people who can help you move forward. Sure, you encounter obstacles, but you know you'll overcome them. It's just a matter of time. If you're tense and struggling, you're probably "off course" and need to make some adjustments.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that this article is about spiritual and emotional fulfillment only; the principles here will bring you material success as well. My main goal is to get you to think about how these principles are operating in your life -- and whether you could make some changes to lead an even more successful, satisfying life.

One final point: the actual act of achieving your heart's desire is not always as exhilarating as you had anticipated. The real joy comes from the everyday actions you take -- and what you learn and become along the way. It's a journey of growth and satisfaction that you don't want to miss!

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